Secrets from the BFF
Old gossip now leaking, courtesy of her BFF – in whose chair she sat after her split, receiving therapy and getting pretty at the same time. That’s what friends are for.
Only lately her BFF is getting tired of her attitude problem – friendship is apparently on her terms and the BFF is treated alternately as servant and confidante. So since the BFF can be as catty as they come, secrets are starting seep, shedding light on several mysteries, including weight, children, and heartbreak, all pointing to one cause.
Male hormones???
According to the BFF, she took male hormones as a way to stay thin. As a result, she miscarried at least once, which is what resulted in the big break – she lost love because she was obsessed with being skinny…so says the BFF. The BFF also confirms that she has since stopped, which is why her body is back to lovely.
Still…her reputation, or her looks for that matter, won’t be lovely for long if BFF keeps yapping. In many ways, in one very critical way, she needs her buddy more than her buddy needs her.
ANSWER: 100% Jennifer Aniston- absolutely no doubt. Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox. Courteney famously comforted Jennifer through the break-up...and Aniston is famously obsessed with her weight. Plus Lainey has been commenting recently on Jen's body as gotten better
UPDATE: Lainey just updated her site to say that Ken Paves is not the bff...although I have to say fabulous comment- i would kill to know who wrote it
UPDATE #2: Linz has done some fine gossip research- while we are still certain that it is Aniston- it is likely the BFF is her hairdresser
More Logical Than Jen
It's Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves. Not Jennifer.
It's well known that Jennifer hired a nutritionist to lose weight when she first got to Hollywood and was told to trim down, and it's also been well know that she maintains her weight with exercise and the Zone Diet Plan.
Jessica has been having weight fluctuations recently, and is on the outs with her BFF Ken after some business deals they had went bad. I know there was the wig thing, but I think he was trying to do something else too- a salon maybe, or some hair care line? I don't know.
But anyway, Jessica treats people like crap and runs hot and cold depending on her moods, so it's no surprise they're parting ways. He always made her hair look like crap anyway, and those wigs... should have been shot for being feral. Ick.
That is a fantastic theory- what an amazing breakdown! While I can see a lot of reasons it makes sense- getting pretty in the chair, catty friend...I don't know if Lainey would say that Jess needs Ken- she thinks she's better off without him....but it is a possibility...I'm now reducing my guess to 75% Aniston
I'm totally on the Aniston love boat, so I don't believe it's her. Maybe I'm naive.
I think it's Aniston but not Courtney...Aniston and her hairdresser, because it's the Rachel hair that has made her famous all along. Don;t know who her stylist is but I'm betting it's the stylist, not Courtney. She seems more like someone who would just ditch the friend rather than go low-classy and give out dirt on her friend.
Here's the hairdresser...she even moved in with him after the split, and I think Lainey uses "chair" deliberately to mean a stylist chair. http://www.starswelove.com/scriptsphp/news.php?newsid=4961
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