Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big Brother 9

Oh god Natalie is still doing her crazy math- when will that end?!?

I think Sharon might have this competition in the bag- she knows she has to get it. And usually people who are in that spot win.

Well never mind that theory- she went out first!! Ok maybe now it is Natalie who has this in the bag. I mean it is designed for a small person- poor Ryan is dripping swear 18 minutes in! Team Christ is still intact?!

I love that Sheila is saying that Natalie is talking smack- Sheila hasn't shut up up there and is laying guilt trips left and right.

Oh Sheila is cutting deals- interesting. I wouldn't trust her Natalie- if you fall she is totally putting you up. Oh god screw being Christian- this is about 500000. Stop it with the damn bible chat.

My god Natalie just shut up! Technically Sheila you had to get people to drop to win...but a win is a win I guess

I feel I need to hold a plucking intervention with Sharon- those eyebrows are just atrocious!!

Sheila I understand the attraction to Dr. Will since I would like to marry him. But Dick- not so much

Well no big shock with the elimination- I mean it is exactly what they planned

Let's just see if Natalie wins the POV- if not it will be Sharon for sure

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