Sunday, February 10, 2008

Project Runway

Oh the poor guy has to leave...I don't really remember his clothes but if he is HIV positive he really does have to put his health first.

Oh Chris is back- I really like him!! I hope he can stay in this week!

Oh I am definitely worried about Steve- it is never good when someone needs to be glued in and two other designers have to help you!

Sweet pea- well the dress is a bit boring and dowdy- there is no sparkle. The red dress was cute but she will be penalized for not using the fabric. I do like the brown tunic quite a bit- although it is sea through. Chris I despise the cut of the shirt and the choker...but the skirt is ok. Christian I love the jacket- that is super cute. Oh god Victoria that is a HIDEOUS dress- the sleeve length is horrid and the other green looks odd on top of it. I don't think that Elise did a lot- she just cut a bit of the wasn't very exciting. Kit I do like the dress but I agree- it's not fashion forward...but most of these dresses aren't! I do like the canary shirt- it is cute! Oh steven this dress is hideous! It needed WAY more white and the collar is soooo old lady and the sleeves are hideous. The little dress at the end was ok but it doesn't necessarily look that well made.

Overall I am not terribly impressed with this week- I only really liked Christian's- a few others were ok but not mind blowing. Christians was neat- that's about it.

Oh yay Chris- I'm glad you get another week!! I would actually like to see Elisa in because overall I like his designs more- even though his was horrid this week.

Oh poor Steve- I did like him but the dress was awful...he should have listened to Tim- he said use more white. Note to designers- you always listen to Tim!!!

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