Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Brother 9

I didn't realize that I would have a half hour break now- I feel let down- I need the show to start!! I was all pumped but now I am getting let down- I don't remember a half hour break in the past!! This sucks!!

I guess I'll watch BB9 until it starts again.

I like that James and Chelsia admitted they would be shady.

Joshuah is a tool- I can't believe these people think that Sheila and Allison are lesbians. They are all morons.

For the love of god James stop making the condor noises- what a retard.

Amanda is going out of her way to forgive him for being so horrible- shouldn't he be going to her?

Man Matt is very odd- he will let Natalie give him blowjobs but he doesn't want a relationship. Charming.

What is wrong with James' tattoo that it has to be blurred?

MY EYES!!! MY EYES!! EWWW!!! James and Chelsia?! Seriously!?

Alex- I'm not looking to blame anyone but it's Amanda's stupid!!

Why would you promise Nat and Matt that they weren't going to nominate them- you can't say i'm nominating you because you can win the POV- you are just going to piss them off!

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