Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big Brother 10

Oh God Keesha don't say anything bad about Renny- she will turn on her in a heartbeat.

Ok this challenge is pretty cool. I can't believe how scared Ollie is of birds- I mean I don't like them but a stuffed one doesn't scare me.

I can't believe how much work the set designers went to for this challenge- it's impressive. The best way to win this competition is to fold- let other people eliminate themselves.

Yay April was eliminated!! I can't stand her!

That was actually a good move by Gerry folding during the cockroaches...except he might have won! Oh he would have!

Yay Dan!! I'm so glad you won it! I want the nominations to stay and send April home!

I like how Gerry is now taking his comment off the table- he didn't actually say he's sorry. Of course he has to suck up to Dan since he has no other friends

What these people are not considering is that Renny has not guaranteed that she will put Ollie up if Dan uses the veto- I think she would put Memphis up actually since she has issues

I like that April saying she respects Renny for her nominations- she just doesn't want Ollie nominated. Man April definitely thought that she was going to be vetoed.

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