Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So Disgusting...

I copied these quotes from Dlisted. Demi Moore was on Letterman and talked about the therapy that helps her stay young looking:

Demi said, "I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy. These aren't just swamp leeches though - we are talking about highly trained medical leeches. These are not some low level scavengers - we're talking high level blood suckers."

She said you get your body ready for the leeches by shaving and bathing in turpentine. "They have a little enzyme that when they are biting down in you it gets released in your blood and generally you bleed for quite a bit - and your health is optimized. It detoxifies your blood - I'm feeling very detoxified right now. I did it in some woman's house laying on her bed. We did a little sampler first, which is in the belly button. It crawls in and you feel it bite down on you and you want to go, 'You bastard.' Then you relax and work on your Lemaze breathing just to kind of relax. You watch it swell up on your blood, watching it get fatter and fatter - then when its super drunk on your blood it just kind of rolls over like it is stumbling out of the bar."

Seriously- highly trained leeches?!?! Obviously you would want to use EDUCATED leeches for your beauty regimen- you can't have ones that didn't pass the training program

This might just be the grossest thing I've ever heard in my entire life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She must have said that wrong, she must have been INtoxified, not DEtoxified! the only reason to put turpentine on you is to wash off the paint!!! wow, what is the world coming too? is she too good for some good ol' Oil of Olay? or is that for old people, haha!