Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Brother 9

I would LOVE to see these crackpots go on a quest for the arc of the covenant- and if they have 40 million they would find the mythical object- HAHA

I really hope that Ryan wins the veto- again he is my favorite player right now. My god this competition is going to take FOREVER!! I think this competition is designed for Chelsia to win- Ryan is too big- I don't think he stands a chance. Maybe Sheila will get a win- she really is concentrating quite hard...or not

I love that Sheila is saying that she isn't throwing Adam under the bus- but yet she's sitting there bashing him to James. Who by the way is driving me absolutely NUTS!! NUTS!!! This whole lying thing is driving me NUTS- the fact that he keeps going on and on about it- get over it. It's a freakin game- just get over it. I wish they hadn't brought this loser back in- he's driving me nuts

Ok Sharon's eyebrows are really bothering me- they are less than an inch long. Less than an inch long! Stop the insanity- stop the plucking!!

You hypocritical idiot- if you put Matt up for lying you are going against your word to Natalie...which shows that you are a liar!! moron!! God I hate hypocritical retards like this guy

I mean I don't really care about Matt- this doesn't bother me...but this James has got to go since he's such an ass

I love that God is going to avenge Natalie against James- if there is a god I think he should since I hate that guy!!

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