Thursday, April 19, 2007


Oh my god Stacy should just feel horrible- all the bad comments were about her or Alex. I like that Cassandra won- I mean she knows that she is physically weak so she is paying attention and remembering details. I appreciate a good memory

Oh god Mookie stop alienating everyone and being an ass- I mean this is my money on the line! I could care less about him personally but I have his name in the pool!

I agree- give Yeo-man a rest! I love him! Oh god that spread of food looks nasty- cheese, fruit and olives/! I would be so disappointed! I would rather have the doritos! I love that Yeoman admits that he has to brainwash Dreams! I do like that they realize they can't trust him yet.

I really hope that Yeoman and Earl are smart enough to vote for Mookie to get the idol out of the way so that they have the only one.

I would be able to do this challenge for about 2 seconds- we all know how much balance I have with my feet!

Yay Yeoman! I love him! Love.him.

For the love of god stop calling yourselves the four horsemen- that is from big brother!!

Mookie don't give him the immunity idol- keep it! They will vote you out next!! Save my money! Think about me dammit! Mookie you're a dumbass! Now you will be voted out! ACH!

How could voting for Cassandra change anything!? Oh god if they don't tell dreams he will freak! Good move Earl- you are my second favorite!

These guys are complete morons- they just wasted the idol! it's gone! IDIOTS! They deserve to get voted out! Look at their smug grins- I can't wait for them to get voted out!! I am willing to sacrifice my money to keep watching their smug faces! HAHAH!! This is too funny! HAHA! God this was one of the best tribal councils ever! I love when dumbass jock boys are brought down!

Those assholes went through his things!? God I hate them!

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