Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Woohoo!! I'm done with my french class! It is actually bittersweet. I enjoyed this class more than almost any other from my university days. My prof was amazing- he was so charasmatic and idealistic- he totally was Robin Williams from Dead Poet Society! He was so encouraging and he was so smart- he knew the etiology of pretty much every single french word. It was a nice break during my day to go there- and I feel so much more confident with my french. It's like I'm back in high school! I just will not miss the homework- it'll be nice to have my evenings again! I mean I like being able to do whatever I want- not that I do very many exciting things but I like having the option- hehe!

I mean I must have liked this class- I actually studied and worked. I turned down MSN conversations to study- I never used to do this!

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