Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jesus Camp

Holy f'ing Jesus this is TERRIFYING!! Who's scarier- a young muslim in Afghanistan going to a Taliban school or a Pentecostal child from Kansas?! Truly- it's a toss-up.

I am watching a Pentecostal Children's minister praising George W. Bush for being a man of god. And encouraging young children to speak in tongues. Oh god this is just soooo scary!!

I mean this woman seems like a nice woman- she's just bag shit crazy. These are evangelical's that believe you are only "saved" if you are "born-again". They just interviewed a young 12 year old boy with a mullet talking about getting saved at scary

Oh and now they are showing the propaganda they show young children to teach them creationism and dispel science. Oh god now the mullet boy's mother is home schooling him that global warming doesn't exist. Let's just keep breeding ignorance

"Science doesn't prove anything"

75% of homeschooled children are homeschooled...Question- what qualifies these parents to be teachers!?

Prayer got taken out of school and the schools fell apart...uh huh...

There are two kinds of people in the world...people who love jesus and people who don't...

These quotes are just killing me....soooo bone scary...

I like this Christian radio guy who thinks evangelicals are just crazy...moderate Christians will probably listen to him over an atheist like me...but I agree with him

Watching the young girl pray over her bowling ball for Jesus to help her- it reminds me of me as a young Catholic girl. I used to always pray that I would land on Free Parking

OH GOD! They just showed this crackpot young girl saying god spoke to her and asked her to go speak to a woman and say that god wants to save her....She wants to be a manicurist so she can talk to people about the lord

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag?!!?!? What the hell is the Christian flag?! They have some sort of weird flag...oh god!

Seriously Kirk Cameron- this is what you've become too?!

And now the pastor is doing tongues over the powerpoint presentation so Satan doesn't stop her from spreading the word...holy crazy batman

I have to remind myself that the Duggars are batshit crazy like this and I love I could love these people too

Ok now it's time for me to throw down with these people- they have started the Harry Potter bashing and hysteria. My god these people are moronic and ignorant. Warlocks are the enemies of god? Does it say that in the bible? Or is it just propaganda going back to the witchtrials? Ignorance breeds hatred. Let's just stifle all brilliance and creativity shall we?

Oh now there is the crazy the little girl who knows what types of churchs god likes- he only likes the kind she goes to. She knows. Note to her parents- this child needs extreme counseling because she is a nutbar

Oh and mullet boy feels he is a mouthpiece for the holy spirit...this is one of the craziest documentaries I've ever seen

This is making me love the Catholic religion for it's sanity....let me tell you that takes a lot! The Catholics are nice and pretty- they aren't shaking and crying like these wack jobs

There is a little boy just shaking and crying because he doesn't always feel the spirit and doesn't feel god but everyone around him is making him feel inadequate. He is a sane little boy who fels he needs to become crazy like the rest of them

Oh and now they are declaring war against the government- charming

Oh now they are praying and doing tongues to a cardboard cutout of George W Bush...let's keep training a child army of crazies. These people must be freaking out over Barack

I love how they all speak with god and god speaks to them exclusively- these people really are quite lucky as they are the chosen ones

Oh and here comes the pro-life propaganda. Yay let's overturn abortion! yay! more children in foster care! Yay! Lives being ruined! Women dying in back alleys! Yay!

Oh yay now they are showing Ted Haggard! The gay druggie! LOVE HIM!! Oh he's preaching against homosexuality- hehe!! He talked to President Bush every week- AMAZING!! Love who that whack job had advising him- America nice choice for president.

Lovely- these children think the idea of dying for god and becoming a martyr is great. Again- what is the difference between these people and islamic extremists?! Are they not all SCARY!

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