Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Veronica Mars

I don't even know what to do with myself I'm so excited this show is back on! Oh how I've missed you! Please let this show get back to it's roots- I heard this episode feels like season 1- please let it be so!

Reference to my supersweet 16! and eunichs! AMAZING! If only Logan would get a bit more arrogant it would be amazing!

I'm a yankee doodle damn dandy- hehe! That's right Veronica! Shoot the bastards! Hiking is sunny- go Mac! Ran over the fisherman- bet friends to turn into superhot prom date- love her!

Oh no Piz- I heard that he and Veronica hook up- I don't think I'm emotionally stable for that yet!

Oh Benny Hill reference- the amount of hours I spent watching that when I was a child...so traumatic...

A young Omar Sharif- desert fever...hehe!

Because 19 year old Americans are old enough to go to war but not to drink- I'm not liking this message Rob Thomas! That university students aren't mature enough to drink...what the else are they supposed to do?

Since over 600000 Iraqis have been killed do we blame them for being bitter towards Americans? I don't. Oh god what is up with Rob Thomas' political message?! It was unamerican...yuck!

7 minutes of heaven with scott peterson- hehe! Nothing says I'm over you like dating down- haha!

Battle of the bulge- HAHA!

A PICTURE OF THEM ON A CAKE?! ON A FRAKKIN CAKE?!?! How long have they been dating?!?

Why would Parker give her the piece with his face? God look at Mac with all of her mojo! Inspires the rest of us nerds!

Doublemint baby!

Ok friends- along with Karaoke I want a big banner for my birthday!

This is not the same kiss as the one with Logan at the camelot- the boy butt sticking out was not hot- NOT HOT! Oh god Veronica- NO LOGAN close your eyes!! Such a sexy elevator entrance though!

PAUL RUDD NEXT WEEK!! Paul Rudd!! My Josh?! So exciting!! K now I'm outtie

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