Tuesday, May 1, 2007

American Idol- 6

I will start this off by saying it is truly time to get rid of Lakisha and the Hobbit this week. We'll see what happens...

IT"S BON!! BON!! God this week really is all about my childhood isn't it?!? I'm wanted...WANTED...dead or alive! I mean isn't he just dreamy- we were just talking about my love of bed of roses this week! Why did they bring a rocker- these people can't sing rock!

God this guy doesn't age- he looks exactly the same! I mean he is in his 40s- i think there's been a bit of botox around the eyes but he still looks exactly the same.

Phil- oh god the Young Guns soundtrack- I mean Deb used to blast this cd for hours (her first cd)...good times! This guy has about as much soul as I do- this is lame. I mean I do appreciate the pointing- it is a signature Nick Carter move that I love. Oh god is he orange?! God I hate tanning!

Jordan- oh living on a prayer! Difficult to sing- this is one of my classics when I'm drunk and at a wedding! Love the hair- looks like mine when I get really hot! Awesome song choice- everyone loves this song! I love the outfit as well- I love shoes! note to self- get yellow shoes. This girl rocks- just make her the american idol and get it over with!

Lakisha- I do not recognize this song. I mean she is singing it well- ok she deserves to stay more than Phil does. I mean she is pulling out the big guns- she knows that she is on the chopping block and "brought it". She was really good.

Blake- for the love of god do not beatbox! Do not bring it back! Oh no- make it stop! Oh god not miming...I am just pushing my body back into the couch...make it stop!! ALthough I do like the hair. The miming dancing has to stop. Ok the chorus is good. Sara should be happy she doesn't watch this show- his lack of top lip is disturbing. Oh god get back to the real singing- stop making it a bad dance remix- it was bad enough listening to someone's version of She's Like the Wind- that should only be sung by the Swayz

Chris- oh god just his session with bon was painful- how could you not know the words to this?! Kobe probably knows all the words! God he is just screaming. This is painful...send him home!!! Please...

Melinda- oh here comes the cowbell! She has that powerful voice which can sing these types of songs- she is like the Killer Queen from We will rock you (I'm telling you people you have to see it!)

Christ who let these bumpkins on tv...why are they allowed to rule a nation!?!?

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