Friday, January 16, 2009

Battlestar Galactica

I am soooo excited that this is back on!! The last 10 episodes ever and the reveal of the final cylon- so exciting!! I am telling you people- this show is absolutely amazing! Go back and watch the miniseries at the beginning of season 1 on dvd- you will see that that this show is just amazing. It is so well written and smart- and so much more than a science fiction show.

It is also exciting watching now knowing that Colonel Tigh is a Kirkland Laker!! He went to KLCVI!! That town just breeds talent!!

I really want to see Lee get a haircut- I don't like him scruffy...he is losing some of his sexy beast appeal. I don't want him reuniting with Dee- he is meant to be with Starbuck!

There is a pilot in the cockpit- my god are we going to find out Starbuck is the final cylon this quickly!?

My god it is her!?!? Is Starbuck dead in the cockpit? If not it a really good plant!

Oh god this is super ass creepy- Starbuck is cremating herself!! She should have kept the body so they could have done tests on it!!

Oh no not Lee and Dee- they are so boring together! He doesn't love her- he is settling!

OMG What the hell just happened!?!?!? She was super happy and she just killed herself?!!? My god that was so shocking! I love this show!

Ellen was Tigh's wife back on earth?! So is she the final Cylon? She must be if she said they will be reborn together....which one is the fifth!? Her or Starbuck?

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