Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Name is Earl Quotes

"They had air conditioning that felt like Frosty the snowman was blowing kisses up my coveralls"- hehe! I loved Earl getting the air blown on him...and his love of the appliance salesman

"Just like the first time I drank chocolate milk and realized I wanted to live my life with a mustache"

God Jason Lee just kills me in this part- his facial expressions are classic! Too bad he's a scientologist...

They sold their house and are now walking up a slide- HAHA!

Wow that's how I sweep!

Side note- that big guy from Newhart Tom Poston died- he was also the grandad on that 70s show. Oh that's always sad...

Ok back to Earl...look at Sean Astin being all bad ass..I mean he did go to Junior College so he must be superior. Oh my god the doll is classic! Oh my god is that MACKENZIE ASTIN?!?!? IS THAT BOTH ASTIN BROTHERS!?!? OH JESUS!! It's like the freakin holy grail this week- first the 90210 cast and now this?! I swear if the cast of Satisfaction gets back together next I might completely flip out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Earl's a scientologist? NOOOOOOOO!