Sunday, November 2, 2008

US Election

Just a quick little blurb about my feelings about the American election. Going into it I'm pretty sure that Obama has this in the bag. I still would have preferred Hillary but she just didn't have the star power and awe. While I obviously would like a Democrat to be in power I truly don't believe he has the experience needed. There is a lot of hype about him- first black president blah blah blah- but really is he qualified?!!? There was the selection of Joe Biden which I support- at least he picked someone who is experienced and may be able to advise him. But if you look at the two presidential candidates on their own McCain is by far the better choice. I really like McCain- he has proven himself in office and he seems like a good guy. Unfortunately he is trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered reputation for the Republicans after the Bush years. But he made a FATAL mistake in his candidacy- and that was choosing a retard as a running mate. I think he could have one this easily if he had not chosen her. She just ruined all of his chances- nobody wants to elect that retard. Actually I have spoken to people who like how she "speaks to the people". But they also obviously have issues.

Anyways- it will be interesting to see what Barack actually does with all the pressure and if he can live up to the hype

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