Wednesday, November 19, 2008

America's Next Top Model

I think Analeigh has this in the bag. I just don't like Mckey- I hate that she's called McKey and her weird side mouth. Plus the hair really really bothers me. I like Sam's personality but she is a bit too butch to be a top model

I think Samantha does look really forced when she smiles- compared to the other two it is not natural.

Oh god Analeigh the talking is awful- but let's remember that for the most part models don't talk.

Yuck I hate McKey's hair slicked back too. I am just not a fan. Tali said she would win and she probably will- yuck. I prefer Analeigh!

Ok McKey has this in the bag- there is no way that Samantha can win this. Once again I was horrible at picking the winner- I never would have picked those two to be in the final two.

I adore the coat that McKey is wearing but I don't think she's a good walker. Oh god them walking in these dresses they look like clodhoppers! There is no grace here. McKey put your arms down- you look awful.

Yup it's McKey- urg

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