Wednesday, March 7, 2007

American Idol- Guys

Blake Lewis- I really hate the beatboxing crap- not a big fan..and I really hate the old man golf pants. I don't mind the reggae stuff...I mean I do like this guy....I just wish he'd stop with the sound effects- I mean did we ever see that guy after police academy?!? It isn't good for your career!

Sanjaya- Oh my god he looks just like Nas circa 1997!! He even has the same hair!! Dammit all I'm going to scan a pic of her and post it so we can all see!! He is too pretty right now for a boy! Mandy and Joanne were right- that hair is gorgeous...on a female!! I like the subtle highlights...While I know I said something had to be done with the brows I don't know if this was was boring...don't think he's great

Sundance Head- oh good song!! Oh my god my grunge days are coming back.....this was the first grunge cd I bought...god I was a poor excuse for a grunge girl. Anyways, back to this. Excellent song selection. I like this- he is good at this type of song....and I like the incorporation of the eye liner. I also appreciate the t-shirt under his shirt...I don't need to see that chest!

Chris Richardson- Oh it's the hobbit again- when are they going to put this guy out of his misery. Oh god I just realized he's doing a country song...why the hell is he singing a country song like Justin Timberlake?!!? That was horrible! Next


Jared Cotter- Why aren't these people listening to the judges- sing modern songs!! No one likes this crap! Oh that is quite the emoting- I love the reaching! K I dislike this guy! He is completely off key- next.

Brandon Rogers- Again- I hate this crappy music. So far he can sing though- he's not trying to do the weird annoying runs- I can appreciate that.

Phil Steacy- Ok first off- ditch the hat....It makes your ears look weird...Oh god this chorus painful- he rotating between being completely flat then he'll scream out this weird note....painful...horrible song choice....and his voice is cracking...bad.

Chris Sligh- well I still think he can sing- but I hate this song choice! Horrible song!

2 that I want to see gone- Sanjaya and Christ Richardson

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