Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Incredibly Tough Blind Items...

This blind item was in pagesix today:

“Which hard-partying starlet has figured out a way to get high while wearing an alcohol-monitoring anklet? She was asking where she could score some Ecstasy at a Vegas club the other night.”

Pretty tough guys...pretty tough...If you don't know who this is you are seriously behind on your gossip!!

My other favourite blind item of the day was:

"WHICH too-good-to-be-real Hollywood leading man and his hard-bodied wife deserve Oscars for their portrayal of a perfect marriage? They both have secret lives with members of the same sex."

This one may be a bit more tough for nonseasoned gossips- the most likely answer is Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith...looks can be deceiving people! Rumours have been swirling for years about these two- I mean have you ever seen Jada with her heavy metal band?! Nough said.


Anonymous said...

I kind of love that LiLo went into rehab for drugs and came out with an alcohol monitoring bracelet (that no one monitors). Question...everyone was worried about her rehab stint delaying production of her new movie when she first went in...have you heard anything about it now?

Shauna said...
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Shauna said...

I've heard nothing about it actually...I don't think the "career" really matters anymore