Thursday, February 22, 2007

OC thoughts...spoilers!!

Ok so I'm going down with the ship- I will be watching the OC finale tonight! I was the biggest die hard fan for the few seasons but I didn't pay attention last year- only to be sucked in again this year!! My love of Seth Cohen knows no bounds- I first fell in love with him when the character was named Dave and he lived in Stars Hollow (I swear it is essentially the same character) and even though I don't like the whole didn't go to school thing I still love him. I was never a fan of Ryan- his nose looks like a penis, his chin like female friend Trina appropriately call him penis-nose cunt-face (I apologize for the language but it makes me laugh). Tonight we should all expect Julie to marry Hercules, Sandy and Kirsten will have a girl, Seth and Summer are going their separate ways, and Ryan and Taylor will be each others lobsters.


Unknown said...

Ok Shauna, honestly, is there any TV ship you *haven't* gone down with? ;) I understood 90210 but OC really really went bad!!! I guess I just got too annoyed that the only plot line they could focus on was the Seth/Summer and Ryan/Marissa romances, and at the end NONE of them will be together! Such a sad, sad end to a show that used to be so good!!!!

Shauna said...

Ok I admit I watch a lot of shows- and definitely went down with the ship with 90210. But I have stopped quite a few- I stopped watching Desperate Housewives halfway through the first season- it was too awful for words. And I left Melrose Place....other than that, yeah I probably do watch too much crap due to some weird loyalty!